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Everyone who has spent time at Four Elements Fitness knows it's not your typical gym. With its majority female and LGBTQ+ students and instructors, Four Elements makes a point to serve those who may not have felt included at other martial arts schools. 


This summer, Four Elements will be reopening under the management of Tuff Love Fitness, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit created by Four Elements instructors and students (including Mollii Khangsengsing and Karin Spirn) that provides free and discounted self-defense, martial arts and fitness training to underserved groups.  As a nonprofit, we can build on the traditions that make Four Elements such a unique and special place to train, such as: 

  • Free and low-cost training opportunities for women, LGBTQ+ students, people of color, kids, and other groups who may lack access to martial arts, self-defense, and fitness instruction. 

  • Small class sizes offering high-quality, personalized feedback

  • Instruction that is body-positive, gender inclusive, and attuned to social justice


You can make our reopening a success! Your donation will fund our lease renewal, Covid-19 safety measures, and other reopening expenses. All funds raised will go directly to Four Elements Fitness. With your help, Four Elements can continue to grow as not just a place to train, but a community resource for all who need it. 


1. Make a donation to Four Elements Fitness by clicking the donation button above. Any amount helps! 

2. We know these are difficult financial times and not everyone can donate. You can still help out! Follow Tuff Love on Instagram and Facebook and check out

the #fefcommunity strong and #fourelementsfitness hashtags! Sharing our campaign with friends and family and on your social networking pages goes a long way to helping our cause.

We are looking for donors and supporters to help expand our free community programming with tax deductible contributions to these organizations.


A cause-driven gym, our programs and services enable individuals to realize their potential, offer ways to connect, have fun together, and empower people to be healthier in body, mind and spirit inclusive of all sexual and gender expressions, body types, and fitness levels. 

Who is FOUR Elements Fitness? Oakland fight gym opens its doors for all (SF Chronicle)
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Martial arts and training can be a literal life saver. This is why we often take in students who are financially struggling. Help us continue to do so by becoming a Community Membership Sponsor and help provide a training membership for at-risk individuals.


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322 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, Oakland, CA 94612

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